
Big Lenny Bulking Breakfast Bodybuilding Challenge (2500 Calories) | FreakEating

2016-06-17 38 Dailymotion

For the first time ever, the Freak Eater takes on a bodybuilder's bulking meal as an eating challenge. The "Big Lenny" breakfast was floating around Instagram last week and seemed like the perfect way to get started. Lenny's breakfast is a carb heavy meal - loaded with half a box of cereal, grapes, bananas, applesauce, milk, and a pound of meat. How long would it take me to eat it all? There would only be one way to find out. It's for Freak Eating science!

Nathan Figueroa's version of the Big Lenny/ Fat Lenny Challenge:

Hit LIKE if you enjoyed the video. Suggest other athlete cheat meals or fitness challenges for me to try in the comments section. Subscribe to FreakEating today and never miss another food challenge. Til we eat again, Stay in School, Don't Do Drugs, and Eat Like a Freak!

10,000 Calorie Cereal Challenge:
10,000 Calorie Donut Challenge:
70 Bananas in 24 Hours Challenge:

Music: "Rollin' at 5," "Rollin' at 5 Electronic," "Carpe Diem"
Source: http://incompetech.com/ with a Creative Commons 3.0 attribution for use thanks to Kevin MacLeod.

Photo credit http://instagram.com/sickeningsupps for thumbnail pic.